


August 19, 2007

Hey guys. This is just a quick update. I have a few minutes to kill before I head out to cruise around Santa Barbara. This morning on my way up there I had a chance to visit Kenny & Jenny Eliazer. I shot their wedding almost 2 years ago right when I was starting my […]

August 15, 2007

Day 3Day three consisted of mainly shooting. I’ve learned quite a bit and i won’t say much today. I will just let the photos do the talk:                             Day 2Day two was even better than day one! We started the day with […]

August 10, 2007

Today Duncan & I had a blast shooting a Mexican wedding. Francisco & Elvia were such a fun couple to shoot. It was an all out Mexican wedding with Mariachis and everything. I think I will have them for my wedding. This is how they roll: Thank you Elvia & Francisco for letting me be […]

August 8, 2007

I revised this post to combine the two posts and show the slides from all three days at this J-Gen Conference. God is working in every generation. I’m thankful that I got to experience this first hand. Thank you everyone that I got to serve with, old & new friends I got to met, and […]

August 7, 2007

Here are some photos from Day 2. The photos are slightly smaller than the previous post. We had to reduce them to fit the slideshow projector they have here. The atmosphere is pretty incredible. Not only is it blessing to see these youths going crazy for JC, it is just as blessing to see all […]

August 7, 2007

Here are some photos from Day 2. The photos are slightly smaller than the previous post. We had to reduce them to fit the slideshow projector they have here. The atmosphere is pretty incredible. Not only is it blessing to see these youths going crazy for JC, it is just as blessing to see all […]