The Longest Day Episode 4It is now officially launched on the website. So click on this link if you cannot view the show here below: Synopsis: Just when you think Team A is making progress, they hit a snag. Will they ever make it out of that board room? Meanwhile, Team B is still on […]
David is from Illinois and Anita is from California. But it was at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor that they met and fell in love. So it only made sense to go back to where things originally started to do their engagement session. They will be getting married in California this summer and […]
Episode 3Team B is off and running as Amber Holritz, Jessica Claire, Joe Photo, Jasmine Star, and Catherine Hall are sent out to get costumes for the team (if they don’t get lost first). Meanwhile, Team A tries to rent a vehicle to get them all to Las Vegas. The fun is just beginning! *If […]
Mike & Rachel Larson are not only one of coolest husband/wife photography duo in California, they are also the sweetest couple I’ve met. They love each other so much sometimes makes me wonder if they are faking it. 🙂 But more I get to know them, the more I realize how genuine their love is […]
Mike & Rachel Larson are not only one of coolest husband/wife photography duo in California, they are also the sweetest couple I’ve met. They love each other so much sometimes makes me wonder if they are faking it. 🙂 But more I get to know them, the more I realize how genuine their love is […]