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(Panoramic Photo by Dustin Francis) Whew. It was the longest 6 days of my life. I’ve finally caught up from all the craziness of hustle & bustle at WPPI 2009 Convention. Skip Cohen and staff at RangeFinder sure do know how to put on the "Greatest Show on Earth" for weddding & portrait photographers. This […]
Hey everyone, I’m off to Vegas and before I get on my flight (in about 2 mins), I wanted to let you know that I’ll be doing random updates through out the day of my experience there. Catch me if you can… on Twitter Follow me on twitter. I will give out a clue or […]
The long awaited season finale version of The Longest Day Big Reveal" is here! In this finale episode, Ron recaps everything that has led us up to this point, then reveals the teams’ videos. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! After viewing the video, go to the poll below and vote for your favorite pair of videos. Voting […]
Canon 200mm F2.0 with Kurt & Leila Today I got to do something special. First I got to spend the afternoon in Chicago with Kurt & Leila for their engagement session (I will post about their eSession later on but I wanted to talk about something else from this shoot) Second, Canon regional rep Ed […]
Canon 200mm F2.0 with Kurt & Leila Today I got to do something special. First I got to spend the afternoon in Chicago with Kurt & Leila for their engagement session (I will post about their eSession later on but I wanted to talk about something else from this shoot) Second, Canon regional rep Ed […]