


November 5, 2009

Hello everyone. After 2 days worth of traveling, we finally made it to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. We just finished our first day of shooting footage for a project that we are doing for Thirst Relief. We worked hard all day under the golden African sun. We were all blown away by how Thirst […]

November 2, 2009

I couldn’t fall asleep last night as I sat in front of my computer pinching myself to see if this is still true. Ever since college, one of my dream/goal was to go to Africa. Many of my friends who have visited there have told me that you owe it to yourself to visit this […]

November 2, 2009

The Portfolio + Workshop Workshop took place on October 14, 2009 at The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables near Miami, FL. Special thanks goes out to Julien from Merge Studios for creating his behind the scenes video in HD. Also, big thanks goes out to The Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gabels Congregational Church, all the beautiful […]

November 1, 2009

Hey everyone. I am really excited about launching my new blog using WordPress. I know I’ve been MIA for over a month now and I will be leaving for Africa tomorrow – but I am hoping that I can update while I am overseas and also to get caught up with all the posts I […]

September 10, 2009

Until you take a step inside the Sistine Chapel, you can’t appreciate what Michaelangelo accomplished laying on his back for over 5 years to complete the ceiling art. No photos were allowed so I had to sneak this one from my hip using P mode (not professional – more like say a PRAYER mode) and […]

September 10, 2009

Until you take a step inside the Sistine Chapel, you can’t appreciate what Michaelangelo accomplished laying on his back for over 5 years to complete the ceiling art. No photos were allowed so I had to sneak this one from my hip using P mode (not professional – more like say a PRAYER mode) and […]